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To pay the fee Click Here...

Online Fee Payment System

General Information

"There are 0 transaction charges for online fee payment"


1) The information about the Credit/Debit Cards furnished at the time of using the service is processed by the payment gateway service provider only.  It is the sole responsibility of the parents to ensure that the information entered is correct.

2) It is advisable that the parent should retain a copy of the transaction, which might help him/her for future reference.

3) For any refund related issues against a failed transaction, please contact the concerned bank and not the school.

4) For Refund of excess amount paid, which is credited to the School account, please contact School Accounts Dept. with the Online Transaction detail.

5) For any queries or complaints regarding Online Fee Payment, send a mail to

6) " Click Here for ==> Online Fee Payment Tutorial Video "

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Note : 

1. Kindly enable pop-ups in your browser in order to generate the fee payment receipt.

2. Do not leave the payment processing page until the transaction is completed.

3. In the event of failure in generating the fee payment receipt, kindly use the Parent login ( with the following credentials to obtain the fee payment receipt : 


Username: Parent No. (as mentioned on the fee receipt)

Password: iisj@123456 (To be changed on first login)

Technical support:

Email :


Postal Address

P.O. Box : 14861 , Jeddah - 21434

Boys' Section -Al Rehab Dist

Mobile: 0544435168

Girls' Section - Al-Azizia

Tel : 012-6721607, 6754254


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